Hi there
Getting "pinged" every Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning, don't know why? Hopefully i can help. If you are a member of this site go to the Froum pages of this site where i have started a thread on Refereeing questions, post it there and i will try to help you.
There is also a link to a couple of good sites where you can post your questions or top up on your law knowledge.
Feel free to ask me if you have a question and I'll try to give you an answer or at best an opinion!
As a county referee I also get updates on Law rullings from the IRB, which i will post here too, so there can be no excuse on a Saturday afternoon if you get "pinged" for not knowing!
Wayne Davis
www.rugbyrefs.com- great forum, where you can post any question and you'll get various answers from around the world!
www.irblaws.com/EN/- what the law says!